Saturday, August 14, 2010

course guidelines for AD332

Here below you will find all important policy information for the course.


On Grading:
Please keep the following School of Art and Design guidelines in mind.

A=outstanding accomplishment, innovative thinking, strong participation, full attendance, excellent progress
B-above-average accomplishment, solid participation, full attendance, good progress
C=accomplished all assignments, average participation, full attendance, little progress
D= lack of completion or accomplishment in assignments, disinterested participation
F=failure to complete basic course requirements and/or attendance

Your final grade will be based on the following percentages for coursework, with participation a part of the project grade.

Projects 50%
Participation 50%

The success of each project is assessed by the student’s level of engagement and experimentation; the incorporation of knowledge gained from course material; and high level of craftsmanship. Successful participation means to be alert and engaged, to demonstrate understanding of course material and to contribute to class discussion.

Late work is not accepted; projects not received on time will receive an "F". If you are going to miss class on the due date of an assignment, you must e-mail me to make arrangements to get the assignment to me.

On Attendance:
Good attendance is presumed and not rewarded or reflected in the final grade calculation. After three unexcused absences, one’s grade will drop one letter grade. After five absences-excused or unexcused-one may fail the course. Three times late, leaving early or arriving unprepared will equal one absence. Absence from class is not an excuse for missing handouts or assignments, or not handing in work. In the event of absence, check the blog to see what you have missed.

Miscellaneous Information:
• Religious Holidays: students who wish to observe their religious holidays shall notify faculty by the tenth day of the semester of the date that they will be absent for observation of that holiday.
• Turn cell phones off (no texting, no hallway calls, etc.)
• Laptop use in class only with permission.
• Please clean up work area after use.

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